HB, a very good friend of Clare's, heard about 2 beautiful trees which were due to be felled in her village.
One is a Silver Maple, which is a big tree, growing near shops in the centre of the village. It had been pollarded in recent years as it was touching a building, and it's known that Silver Maples don't tollerate pollarding well. Since then half of the tree appears to have died, and the Bristol Tree Officer is of the opinion the whole tree will go the same way in due course. Apparently it was the wrong tree to have been planted in this location.
The second tree is a Rowan near the Druid Fountain which has been dead for some time.
The local community was asked to pay for replacement trees as the local council unfortunately had no funding left in it's 'tree pot'. HB thought of the Clare Winsor Foundation, and although the trees are not in Frenchay she knew Clare would have loved to have been able to help, and so made a substantial contribution in Clare's memory to replace them.
You can read more about this project on the Druid Fountain Neighbourhood Watch and Residents Association Facebook Page. Chris is very grateful to HB for contributing to the tree fund in Clare's memory and agrees Clare would be thrilled. Thank you HB.
Clare Winsor Foundation
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